Moreover, the exact solution of a corresponding problem with initial boundary conditions is also given. 利用这个结果还求出了该方程组的初值一初值问题的精确解。
And then obtain exact solution of the problem by using analytic method. 然后采用解析方法求解,得到了问题的精确解。
Homogeneous state-vector equation for thermoelastic materials and exact solution of composite laminated panels 热弹性材料齐次状态向量方程和复合材料层合面板的精确解
Exact solution of Burgers equation by trigonometric series and Maple 用三角级数和Maple软件求Burgers方程的精确解
In2D polar coordinates, the exact solution to the Schrdinger equation was used to calculate the perturbation integral in a parabolic confinement potential. 受限势采用抛物形势,在二维平面极坐标下,用薛定谔方程的精确解析解进行计算。
New exact solution for ( 3+ 1) dimensional Boussinesq equation (3+1)维Boussinesq方程的新精确解
In this paper, the exact solution and approximate solution of the boundary control problem for a class of the heat-conduction equation are given. 给出了热传导方程边界控制问题的精确解和近似解,证明了近似解对精确解的收敛性。
Excellent agreement between the present approximation and the exact solution was found over the entire time domain. 在整个时间范围内近似式运算结果和准确解均十分吻合。
This paper gives an exact solution for free vibration of a physically nonuniform straight bar with varying section by the use of a class of integrable linear ordinary differential equation. 本文应用可积的一类线性微分方程求出了非均质变截面弹性直杆振动问题的一个精确解,我们应用这一精确解验证了渐近解的精确度。
Yet when the problem is broken into sub-problems, each answerable without the help of experts or books, you can come close to the exact solution. 他非常善于把困难问题分解成小的可以解决的小部分&这种能力我们在日常生活中都可以使用。
In this paper, on the basis of the exact solutions for the antiplane and plane symmetric cases, the exact solution of the plane anti-symmetric case has been obtained. 在反平面及平面对称情形的精确解的基础上严格地求出了平面界面横向裂纹反对称问题的精确解。
Exact solution for new kind of double-well potential and periodic potential Influence of Sand Casting Pattern on Casting Accuracy Degree 一种新型双势和周期势模型的构造及其精确解试论砂型铸造模具对铸件精确度的影响
For obtaining exact solution for the impulse response or step response, the preferred method is to solve the original differential equation on a digital or analog computer. 要获得脉冲反应或阶跃反应的精确解,最好的办法是用数字或模拟计算机求解原始微分方程。
Displacement Exact Solution of Uniform Cantilever Beam under Distributed Load 等截面悬臂梁受均布荷载作用时位移的精确解
Explicit and Exact Solution for a Reaction-diffusion Equation with Logistic Term 一类具有Logistic项的反应扩散方程的显式精确解
Exact Solution for Axisymmetric Bending of Functionally Graded Circular Plate Under Elastically Supported Boundary Condition 粘弹介质中圆孔时变轴对称问题的解析分析弹性支承功能梯度圆板轴对称弯曲问题精确解
By making use of the invariant theory, the exact solution for a time-dependent system of double-well Bose-Einstein Condensate and corresponding geometric phase are obtained. 利用构造不变量理论,研究了一种含时双阱玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚系统的精确解,得到了相应的几何相因子。
An Exact Solution to One Coupled System in Nonlocal and Nonlinear Media 非局域非线性介质中一个耦合系统的精确解
Although this problem has exact solution for continuous images, in the case of digital images, it is ill posed. 但闭于合集域的数字图像,却很难得到准确解果。
Research Monte Carlo method of dynamic FTA, and given detailed steps, then progress Monte Carlo simulation using example to dynamic fault tree, and compare simulation result with exact solution. 研究了动态故障树分析的蒙特卡洛仿真法并给出了仿真的具体步骤,然后利用实例对给定的动态故障树进行了蒙特卡洛仿真,并把仿真结果与精确解进行了比较。
The function of vaginal progesterone supplementation in IVF Displacement Exact Solution of Uniform Cantilever Beam under Distributed Load 黄体酮胶囊在体外受精治疗中的黄体支持作用等截面悬臂梁受均布荷载作用时位移的精确解
Combined with the boundary conditions, an exact solution was derived for plane strain Biot's consolidation of a finite soil layer with anisotropic permeability in the transform domain. 提出了一种有效的可供选择的分析方法,来研究渗透各向异性多孔弹性土层的平面应变固结问题。
By means of algebraic dynamics method, we have obtained its exact solution for the first time. 首次把新颖的代数动力学方法用于经典动力学系统,得到了这个模型的一般精确解;
When the moving boundary depends linearly on the time, the exact solution of the problem is obtained. 当动边界是时间t的线性函数时,得出了问题的精确解析解。
Finite Analytic Method is a numerical method of fluid flow with exact solution in a calculation element grid. 有限分析法(FAM)是一种单元网格上的精确解与整个计算区域数值解结合的方法。
An exact solution is presented for the problem of a harmonic oscillator with variable mass. 本文给出了变质量谐振子的精确解。
The exact solution of the Stokes second problem including the startup process was obtained using operational calculus. 为研究Stokes第二问题的起动过程,利用运算微积得到了问题的精确解。
The exact solution of the period is got by using the first kind of complete elliptic integral. 应用第一类完全椭圆积分求出了非线性振动周期的精确解。
Finally, with the computer, we obtain the exact solution and numerical solution in certain easier condition. 在最后,利用计算机,得到在某种较简单情况下的精确解和对应的数值解。
The advantage of the approach is that the approximate solution uniformly converges to the exact solution. 方法的创新之处在于证明了近似解收敛到精确解。